Wednesday, June 22, 2011

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  Former U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman announced his campaign for President of the Chinese experience, background, or as obstacles herve leger dress the Mormon
June 23, 2011 09:50:38 Source: China Daily [font size] [Favorite] [Print] [Close] share herve leger dress Xinhua microblogging

Huntsman announced that former U.S. Ambassador herve leger dress the United States herve leger dress participate in the 2012 presidential election

Comprehensive foreign media reports, former U.S. ambassador Jon Huntsman on June 21 at Liberty Park, New Jersey, made ​​a brief speech, announced in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

"We need more than hope."

Huntsman's speech that day only about 15 minutes, a brief description of some of their own experiences and the important economic policy framework. He said: "first time in history, we have a powerful enough for the next generation, less tolerant, less competitive, countries with low self-confidence which is totally unacceptable, do not meet the American spirit."

Huntsman served as governor of Utah herve leger dress improve the state's deficit, he said it proved "the government deficit does not have herve leger dress be in the responsibility and make a choice between economic growth" if the U.S. does not take some of the difficult but necessary precautions, then the country will fall into the debt crisis, and a vicious cycle.

Speaking with former boss, U.S. President Barack Obama's relationship, Huntsman insists he respects the president, but suggested that the U.S. needs an "understanding of our needs, not just 'hope' leader '(Editor's note -" hope "the term is Obama one of the 2008 presidential campaign slogan). "He and I how herve leger dress help our mutual love of country differences of opinion exist, but we want voters herve leger dress answer the question is, who is the better president, not who is the better American," Huntsman said .

In 2009, Huntsman has been nominated and Obama as the new ambassador herve leger dress China, but resigned earlier this year

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